Welcome to our website, the showcase for Siserve Ltd an independent shoe machine supplier formed in 2001 to help the shoe repair industry of the United Kingdom Siserve started business in 2001 to aid shoe repairers of the United Kingdom, in that time we have developed into supplying service and repair mainly to the UK & Ireland with some European work as well. We are an independent company who specialise in all shoe repair machines, makes and types from hand machines to stitchers to large unit installed in shops. We have the capability to supply new or refurbished machines along with servicing and repairs or even just some advice by phone. Alongside shoe repair machines we also help Orthopaedic companies with their needs from routine service to repairs and supplies.
Shoe Repair Machines
We specialise in the supply of new and used machinery, click HERE or the picture to see more information and some examples or email peter@siserve.co.uk

Spare Parts
We can supply a vast range of parts for most makes of machines including but not limited to the makes listed HERE, don’t worry if you can’t see your machine there just contact us for help or advice on (0)116 2717152 or email peter@siserve.co.uk

We can repair and service a wide range of machines including providing the spare parts required, we are specialists in shoe stitching machines.
You can also find some helpful diagrams and tips HERE or click the picture

Orthopaedic Machines & Design
A range of Orthopaedic machines and workshop design service are available from HARDO through Siserve as their UK Agents, a few examples are HERE or click on the picture. More information is also available via THIS CATALOGUE or at HARDO.EU
email peter@siserve.co.uk